Creektop Pollinator Garden

Creektop pollinator garden is located at 150 N 12th Street, Council Bluffs, IA 51501. This garden is on city property and is intended for public viewing and educational purposes. It is part of the Creektop Community Garden, managed by the 712 Organization. The Creektop community garden also includes garden plots for the community and an orchard. The pollinator garden has been there for many years and was in need of major renovation. Grant funding to renovate the garden was provided by Milkweed Matters. 

Volunteers from Milkweed Matters, PATH, Green Bellevue and the community renovated the garden in the summer of 2022. This pollinator garden is about 375 square feet and was dug up, edged, invasive plants removed and mulched. A variety of native pollinator plants were planted providing habitat for pollinators including nectar and host plant species. The pollinator garden is registered as a Monarch Waystation.

Some of the plants species include: common milkweed, swamp milkweed, butterfly milkweed, whorled milkweed, purple cone flower, rudbeckia or black eyed Susan, asters, purple poppy mallow, liatris, blue gramma grass, prairie dropseed, columbine, pitcher sage, gaillardia or blanket flower.


College View Elementary Public School


The Mighty Jacket Garden