The Pollinator Alliance of the Heartland presents “Milkweed and Cookies - Vendor Fair and Native Plant Giveaway”
Our second annual Milkweed and Cookies event has been scheduled! The first 150 households to register will receive a FREE* 12-pack of native plants designed for either a Shade or Sun garden. *A $20 deposit is required to reserve your plants. Your deposit will be refund when you pick-up your plants at the event on September 21st.
This year's event will be held at Bellevue University in Bellevue, NE on Saturday, September 21 from 12:00PM - 3:30PM. There will be vendors and optional presentations that you may attend to learn more about native plant gardening. This event is family-friendly with activities for all ages.
Speaker Presentation Schedule:
12:00PM - 12:45PM: Native Plant Gardening 101 - Gardening Basics (Rene Stroud, PATH)
12:45PM - 1:30PM: Native Plant Gardening 201 - Advanced Topics (Laurel Hamilton, PATH)
1:30PM - 2:15PM: Insects in your Garden - More than Just Monarchs (Jennifer Hopwood, The Xerces Society)
2:15PM - 3:00PM: Native Plant Seed Collecting and Growing from Seed (Cait Caughey, Mullein Hill Farm)
Milkweed Matters
Bellevue Native Plant Society
Posterity Blooms
Iowa Soil and Water Conservation
Nature Among Us
Nebraska Master Naturalist
Pollinator Alliance of the Heartland
Bumbling Bee Native Wildflowers
Benson Bounty
Pottawattamie County Conservation
Iowa Prairie Network
The Xerces Society
Schrader Landscape Design
Dr. Ted Burke (Creighton University) - Entomology DisplayRaffle Items - THANK YOU to our Donors!!
T-shirt and Native Garden Design Booklet - Bellevue Native Plant Society
1-year subscription to Compost Club - Hillside Solutions
Gift Basket - The Occasional Collective
Mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum) rootstocks - Loess Roots Native Medicinal Roots and Botanicals
Photo Print - Nature Among Us
Gift Basket - Benson Bounty
In-Person Landscape Design Consultation (Bellevue Metro Area) - Schrader Landscape Design
Plains Coreopsis (Coreopsis tinctoria) Seed Packets - Nebraska Papio-Missouri River NRD